Dangerous driving is a very serious offence. This type of case can and very often is dealt with in the Crown Court.
It is an offence that carries up to 2 years imprisonment, obligatory disqualification together with 2 to 11 points endorsement on the offender's licence. The offender will also be required to pass an extend re-test before he or she can drive again.
A person is guilty of dangerous driving if the way they drive falls far below what would be expected of a competent and careful driver and, that it would be obvious to the careful and competent driver that driving in that way would be dangerous.
What amounts to dangerous driving therefore, can be a question of intepretation by reference to common standards and previously decided cases.
There is so much at stake including a persons freedom and ability to drive again, that it is of vital importance to obtain specialist legal advice. It may well be that you have a defence to the charge or, that there are circumstances about the offence or the offender that reduces the seriousness and therefore, penalties.
Contact us now for a free, no obligation chat.