Drinking and driving is a serious offence. Our first advice is never drive after drinking alcohol.
If you drive after drinking and the level of alcohol in your body exceeds the legal limit (35 for breath, 80 for blood and 107 urine), then the minimum period of disqualification is 12 months.
It is very possible to defend charges of driving whilst over the prescribed limit. For example, if there is no evidence of the defendant driving or that the defendant was not driving on a public road. It is also possible to suggest that the police evidence is unreliable.
It may be that you have been wrongly accused of drink driving. If you believe you have, then contact us for specialist advice on your legal position.
It is also possible to argue that you should not be disqualfied because you were driving for a special reason e.g., a medical emergency or that you only drove for a very short distance.
It is always wise to seek legal adivce from specialist lawyers such as ourselves. Our job in the first instance is to try and find a defence or reason for the Court not to disqualify you.