Exceptional Hardship

About to get 12 or more points!

Consider this, how difficult would life be if you could not drive?

01 Work

How would you get to work or do your job if driving is a necessary part of your work?

02 Getting About

The school run, picking up the kids from after school clubs, dropping them round their freinds? 

03 Running Errands

Visiting friends or elderly relatives, popping down the shops or going to that important medical appointment. 

Want you do matters

If a driver accrues 12 or more penalty points in a 3 year period they will be disqualified for a minimum of 6 months under the totting up provisions unless they can establish, to the Court's satisfaction, that they would suffer exceptional hardship if they were disqualified from driving. 

What is Exceptional Hardship?

Most people will suffer hardship if disqualified from driving. Quite often disqualification will involve the loss of a job. The Court can be persuaded not to disqualify or for a shorter period where a person would suffer exceptional hardhsip if disqualified. 

What does the Court say is exceptional?

The  loss of your job and therefore your income can have a significant affect on you and those that rely on you. If you lose your job you may not be able your financial commitments putting your home at risk. You may have elderly relatives that depend on you. These are some of the arguments that can be used to persuade a Court not to disqualify. 

Call us to discuss ways to save your licence
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